Monthly Archives: February 2009

On Regrets and Failures –

A famous cliche says,

Live life without regrets.

It is a very positive thought – an almost reassuring advice that promotes positive thinking. It teaches us to be careful of our decisions and be accountable for the consequences it may face us with. One might ponder how we can always be wise on our decision making when a lot of things in life are uncertain.
Sometimes, I wonder if we can really live life without regrets. Is it even possible to never have wished that you chose a different path? Is there even one uman being who can even say such?
I believe regrets play a big role in one’s success. Failures, Disappointment and Mistakes are all forms of regret. The key is how we handle it. If we hold on to regret, we are allowing it to overpower the good that is yet to come. It blinds us of the beauty that we are surrounded with. I say, let our regrets in life lead us to the success that we are meant to grasp. Let us learn from each and every failure so we can rise and march on to the skinny road to success.

This video from Honda gives us a wonderful insight on how failure can bring us success.

          Failures – Secret to Success

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Posted by on February 18, 2009 in Uncategorized


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